10 Homeless People Who Became Rich and Famous


From famous actors being homeless on the street to the founder of the iPhone not being able to afford food!

We take a look at 10 Homeless People Who Became Rich and Famous

10. Jim Morrison – During the mid 1900’s Jim made it big as a songwriter and rock performer. In 2015 His Net Worth is about $80 Millions Dollars

Jim Morrison
Jim Morrison

9. Halle Berry – Born in 1966 this American actress, and fashion model started after attending several beauty contests, finishing as the 1st runner-up in the Miss USA Pageant.

Halle Berry
Halle Berry

8. Doctor Phil – Born in 1950 Dr. Phil has become an Iconic American television personality, author, psychologist, and the host of his own TV show. Now worth an estimated $280 Million Dollars.

Doctor Phi
Doctor Phi

7. Sylvester Stallone – Born in 1946, Sylvester became an American actor, screenwriter, and film director for films like Rocky and Rambo.

Sylvester Stallone
Sylvester Stallone

6. Steve Jobs – The co-founder of Apple Computers in 1976, and the creator of iconic inventions such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Was worth about $10.2 Billion Dollars before his death in 2011.

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs

5. Jennifer Lopez – Born in 1969, Jennifer is an iconic American actress, Author, Fashion Designer, Dancer, Producer, and Singer. She is currently worth about $300 Million Dollars.

Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

4. Drew Carey – Born in 1958, Drew is an American actor, Comedian, Sports Exec, and Game show host. He has also appeared several times in films, tv series, and music videos. He is currently worth about $165 Million Dollars.

Drew Carey
Drew Carey

3. David Letterman – Born in 1947, he would go on to become the host of the “Late Show”. Currently worth about $400 Million Dollars.

David Letterman
David Letterman

2. Chris Gardner – Born in 1954, Chris is a American Entrepreneur, investor, stockbroker, motivational speaker, author, and philanthropist.

Chris Gardner
Chris Gardner

1. Colonel Sanders – By far one of the most recognizable and iconic faces in all of American history. He became an Entrepreneur and eventually became the founder of the famous franchize “Kentucky Fried Chicken”.

 Colonel Sanders
Colonel Sanders


