Inside the Story: Twin daughters of Somalian refugees on the road to becoming doctors


(KUTV) Seventeen-year-old twin sisters are at the front line of speaking out for refugees.

They are daughters of Somalian refugees and are Muslim.

“As a Muslim, female, black refugee, I feel obligated to speak for my rights,” said Anisa. “I feel like it’s crucial to let your voices be heard.”

“I’ve been treated really bad,” Asma said. “People are afraid of the unknown and I feel if we speak up, share our voices, people will not have to ignorance that they have today.”

“I’ve been called a terrorist. I’ve had my hijab ripped off. I’ve been bullied. I’ve been harassed so many different ways because of my identity,” Anisa explained. “It takes a mental and physical toll on me and it’s sad because Utah is my home.

I was born and raised here. I don’t know anything else besides Utah and to see that I am not safe in my own home, in my own back yard, it’s just horrifying.”

The best way the twins know how to fight the battle is through education, so that one day other refugees can look to them for leadership.



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