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10 of the world’s best natural wonders
Most amazing natural wonders
Caño Cristales, Serranía de la Macarena, Colombia
It only takes one look at the Caño Cristales to see how it earned its...
10 Sentences that Can Change Your Life
The power of a sentence is tremendous. A single destructive sentence can ruin somebody’s life, make your day, or change your mood. Fortunately, there are...
This Will Happen To Your Body If You Eat Ginger Every Day For a...
Originating from China, ginger is a powerful and extremely beneficial spice that has been consumed for many years. They can be found in various...
Editor Picks
Bulgarian Photographer Captures Amazing Moments Traveling The World
Nikolay Pandev, or Nick Pandev, as he calls himself, is one of the very few Bulgarian photographers, who have been featured on National Geographic....
Amazing Colors of Kyoto by Takahiro Bessho
Amateur photographer Takahiro Bessho is currently based in Kyoto, Japan. He has an amazing photostream on 500px showcasing the landscapes from his hometown in...
For 13 Years, I Photographed One Mountain Range And This Is The Result
My name is Karol Nienartowicz and I am Polish mountain photographer. I would like to show you the Karkonosze Mountains which are located on...
25 Things I Have Learned In My Life
I’ve learnt that…
In our instant gratification culture, it’s easy to forget that most personal change does not occur as a single static event in...
14 Reasons Why You’re Always Tired
So you’ve survived Monday morning, which is notoriously the sleepiest time of the week. WebMD put together a list of the reasons why you...
This Will Happen To Your Body If You Eat Ginger Every Day For a...
Originating from China, ginger is a powerful and extremely beneficial spice that has been consumed for many years. They can be found in various...
New Edward Snowden Interview The Government Doesn’t Want You to See
New Edward Snowden Interview The Government Doesn’t Want You to See
former NSA contractor Edward Snowden sat down for an interview with German television network...