13 Reasons Why You Have No Energy



  1. Late night use of electronics

We all love to “relax” by browsing social media or playing games on our phones or tablets, but various studies have recently found that using electronics before bedtime, such as smart phones, laptops, computers, or playing video games turns up the “fight-or-flight response”, keeping you in a state of stress. This can even be true with watching television!

You may be unable to sleep due to increased blood pressure, hours after using electronics. So try to switch them off at least an hour before bedtime (studies suggest that it’s best to unplug 3 hours prior to going to bed, but we all know that’s incredibly difficult).

  1. Poor diet, resulting in deficiencies

If you are following a clean eating lifestyle then this is unlikely, but if your diet isn’t as “clean” as you would like it to be, then there’s a chance that you may be giving your body inadequate nourishment. This can lead to your body feeling severely drained.

Make sure that you are eating a well-balanced diet full of vegetables and fruits, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates to keep your body fully nourished.

  1. Depression

If your feelings of exhaustion are accompanied by sadness and loss of appetite, and you just can’t find any pleasure in things you once enjoyed, you may be depressed. This may not be something you want to tell people about, but you should talk to a doctor to help get you on the track to feeling better. This doesn’t have to mean taking medication; various things are used to try to combat depression, such as counselling and (our good old favorite) exercise!

Depression does far more than just affect your mood, and it can cause fatigue; which would explain your lack of energy. Seek medical advice if you think you may have depression.

  1. Lack of sleep

The most obvious (yet sometimes overlooked) reason for your lack of energy could be lack of sleep.

We are all guilty of “burning the candle at both ends”, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t catch up with you. It isn’t always possible to get the suggested 8 hours of sleep per night, but, wherever possible, try to get a full night of sleep. You would be surprised how beneficial just a few good nights of sleep per week can be.

  1. Sleep Apnea

If you think you are getting enough sleep, but are still unsure why you have no energy, then there could be a chance that you may be suffering from sleep apnea; a condition that briefly stops you breathing multiple times each night, disrupting your deep sleep even though you’re not aware of it.

Sleep apnea is quite rare under the age of 65, but, if none of the other solutions in this article apply to you, then it may be worth asking your doctor to test you for this.

  1. Anaemia

Anaemia is a sure-fire reason for feeling fatigued; particularly for women, who can become anaemic due to blood loss during their menstrual cycle. Anaemia occurs when the body does not have enough iron; leading to decreased production of red blood cells.

Red blood cells are required for carrying oxygen and energy to your tissues and organs.

The diagnosis for anaemia is quite simple as your doctor will take a blood test. If this shows that you do have anaemia then you will need to increase your intake of iron-rich foods, such as dark green leafy vegetables, white or red meat and fish.

  1. Diabetes

If you suffer with undiagnosed diabetes then this could be one of the reasons behind your lack of energy.

Diabetes causes excess sugars to remain in the bloodstream because they can’t be transferred into insulin for cell absorption (and fuel).  This, without treatment, results in extreme tiredness.

If you have a family history of diabetes, or if your tiredness is accompanied by extreme thirst and frequent urination, then talk to your doctor as you may be suffering from diabetes.

  1. Too much caffeine

Caffeine is well known for providing you with a pick-me-up if you are suffering from lack of energy, but caffeine could also actually be the reason behind your exhaustion.

Excessive amounts of caffeine can result in an accelerated heart rate, high blood pressure, and ultimately, exhaustion; explaining your lack of energy.

If you think you consume too much caffeine then try to cut it back and see if your energy levels improve.

  1. Dehydration

Dehydration can not only hold you back from losing weight, but it can also severely affect your energy levels.

Your body needs water to run efficiently and, without adequate levels of fluid, it is unable to function correctly. This leaves you feeling exhausted.

A great way to check if you are dehydrated is to check the colour of your urine; if it is a dark yellow colour then you need to drink more water.

  1. Not enough exercise

Although the physical act of exercising makes you feel exhausted, it is actually great for improving energy levels.

If you are not exercising regularly, which, depending on your fitness level, may even just mean walking every day, then your energy levels will decrease.

A large number of studies have found that sedentary people started to feel much less fatigue once they began a workout regime. So keep moving; as with everything though, don’t overdo it.

  1. M.E

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is a condition that causes extreme fatigue and, if you are suffering from a severe lack of energy; to the point that some days you struggle to even sit up in bed, then this could be the cause.

Unfortunately there is no test for M.E, but if you think that this could be the reason for your lack of energy, then talk to your doctor and they will be able to assess your symptoms.

  1. Thyroid problems

Thyroid problems are more common than you may think, and they can cause a substantial lack of energy.

If your thyroid is not working efficiently then you will also be experiencing symptoms such as weight gain/loss and muscle pain.

A blood test for your level of thyroid-stimulating hormone can help evaluate your thyroid function.

  1. Lingering UTI or yeast infection

Usually it’s very obvious when you have a urinary tract infection, but if you have recently suffered with an infection and are experiencing fatigue, then it could mean that the infection is lingering and causing you to feel a lack of energy.

Talk to your doctor if you believe this may be the cause of your energy loss.

Although I have outlined a variety of medical issues as possible reasons for your lack of energy, please don’t jump to conclusions and assume that your fatigue must be caused by one of these conditions.

It is usually the case that you simply need to get more sleep and clean up your diet. If however, you do feel that any of the symptoms apply to you, contact your doctor to discuss this.

Featured photo credit:hihealth.com

