14 Reasons Why You’re Always Tired


So you’ve survived Monday morning, which is notoriously the sleepiest time of the week. WebMD put together a list of the reasons why you might feel consistently groggy, and ways to fix that.

1. Lack of Sleep. We know – pretty obvious. But sticking to a regular sleep schedule will help you get the shut-eye you need.
2. Sleep Apnea. This disorder could be waking you up several times a night without you being aware. Head to the doctor, who may recommend losing weight (if you’re overweight), and quitting smoking.
3. Unbalanced Diet.  Always eat breakfast, and try to have a protein and complex carbs in every meal to avoid fatigue.
4. Anemia. Women are at an especially high risk for anemia. Talk to your doctor to find out if you’re actually anemic. Try taking iron supplements and eating an iron-rich diet, which includes lean meat, liver (sorry), beans, shellfish, and enriched cereal.
5. Depression. Depression takes a serious toll on your body as well as your mind. If you feel tired for more than a few weeks and you’ve been getting enough rest, talk to your doctor.
6. Thyroid Problems. If your thyroid gland is underactive, your metabolism will function more slowly and you’ll feel consistently tired. If your doctor confirms an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) through a blood test, synthetic hormones should speed your metabolism back up.
7. Caffeine. If you’re pounding the lattes, but not getting the same jolt you used to, cut back on caffeine slowly. Once you ease your addiction, you’ll be able to feel its effects again.
8.Hidden UTIs. Urinary tract infections generally make themselves known loudly (and painfully). But they don’t always come with symptom; sometimes fatigue can be the only sign. If you have a UTI, doctor-prescribed antibiotics should clear it up within a week.
9. Diabetes. In diabetics, the sugar that’s flowing through the bloodstream can’t be accessed by the body’s cells to be turned into energy. If you’re always tired for no apparent reason, check with your doctor about being tested for diabetes.
10. Dehydration. Your body needs water in order to work well. Drink enough water every day, and make sure to drink at least two cups of water an hour before and after you exercise.
11. Heart Disease. If it’s getting hard for you to complete simple tasks without being overcome with fatigue, see your doctor about heart disease. Lifestyle changes, medication, and therapeutic procedures can help restore your energy.
12. Night Shifts. A disruption in your work schedule or a new night shift can make it hard to get the sleep you need. Make sure your room is dark and cool when you need to sleep.
13. Food Allergies. Getting super sleepy after meals could mean that you have an intolerance to something that you’re eating. Try eliminating foods one at a time to see if anything improves your tiredness, and ask your doctor about a food allergy test.
14. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia. For fatigue that lasts more than six months, or that’s so severe you can’t accomplish normal tasks, chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia may be possibilities. Working with your doctor to change your schedule, sleep habits, and start a gentle exercise program should improve your condition.
via WebMD

