Life isn't fair, but it's still good People often tell Regina Brett how great she looks for her age. Turns out, she is actually 54 years old — not 90. She wrote down these life lessons the night before her...
Success means something different to every person: like beauty, it exists in the eye of the beholder.  It is your responsibility to determine what success means for you, and how you go about breeding success in your life. 1. Making...
Every now and then you read a book, watch a movie or simply hear a story where you learn something that dramatically changes your life. It’s profound when it happens. But as remarkable as it may be, it is...
Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs we may ever volunteer ourselves. It can also be one of the most rewarding. As parents we may not always have the right answers but following these 9 essential ways...
We are all aware that Heart attacks are the main cause of death in America and it has been for years. A prevention for a heart attack is to spot the symptoms before a month or in advance. This issue...
Mashallah Yahya, Congradulations my brother and Sister...Mohamud and Farhiyo. May allah bless and protect your new baby boy with perfect iman, Beautiful name masha'Allah. May Allah (SWT) make everything easy for you Farhiyo.
What Jim Carrey Explains In 1 Minute Will Change Your Life Forever. Just one minute. You’ll be glad you saw this. [youtube] "I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which, was that you can fail at what...
You’ll Never Look at the Night Sky in the Same Way In 1994 a power outage caused all of Los Angeles to fall into darkness, prompting many residents to call the local authorities to report strange lights in the sky. Instead of alien space...
Travel with Hal Amen from Matador Network as he shares photographs of 14 legendary wonders from South America. Stunning Shots of Fly Geyser, Nevada's Hidden Treasure Dallol, Ethiopia Torres del Paine, Chile Iguazu Falls, Argentina / Brazil Angel Falls, Venezuela Aconcagua, Argentina Aconcagua, Argentina Angel Falls, Venezuela Riisitunturi...
You know how much we love to search for and find the best wedding dresses for you. Previously, we showcased Gorgeous Collection of Wedding Dresses and Great Gatsby Inspired Wedding Dresses which became very popular and inspired many of...