Armed Israeli security officers confiscate little girl’s bike” Every human must watch this video.


Eight-year-old Anwar Burqan was playing with her siblings in the road when two armed Israeli officers took her bike. The incident occurred on Monday, July 25 in Hebron, West Bank, Israel, along a fence erected by Israeli forces. The two officers approached young Burqan fully armed. One officer appears to hold down her bike with his foot, the other then picks up the bike and throws it in a nearby bush while Burqan runs away screaming.

One of the officers has reportedly been suspended, pending investigation.

Israeli security forces are alleged to reserve access to the road in question to Hebron settlers, who have occupied the centre of Hebron since 1979.
These settlers reside near the Cave of the Patriarchs and Ibrahimi Mosque, which divides the West Bank city and has seen frequent violent clashes between settlers, Israeli security forces and Palestinians.



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