Saturday, July 27, 2024
The anger, fatigue and frustration that come with everyday problems may make us say things we don't really mean. The effects of these words, however, are out of your control and may not be what you expect. Here are...
When young Gabriel Marshall from Kansas, US, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in March 2015, the resulting surgery left him with a sizeable scar on the side of his head. So to boost his son’s confidence. Gabriel’s father...
A Cleveland police officer gave a homeless man the shoes off his feet on a cold night in a random act of kindness. Patrolman Jose Sadalua was with other officers as they responded to a complaint about a homeless man...
From famous actors being homeless on the street to the founder of the iPhone not being able to afford food! We take a look at 10 Homeless People Who Became Rich and Famous 10. Jim Morrison – During the mid 1900’s...
I’ve learnt that… In our instant gratification culture, it’s easy to forget that most personal change does not occur as a single static event in time, but rather as a long, gradual evolution where we’re hardly aware of it as...
Halima Aden is a 19-year-old from St. Cloud and the daughter of Somali immigrants. Like another recent history-making Minnesotan, Ilhan Omar, she lived in a refugee camp in Kenya before emigrating to the United States at age 6. Watch...
Success can never be bought Success is a tricky thing. It is defined differently by every person. Whether you are the richest person on the Forbes list or you are a broke college kid, we are all striving for our definition...
It’s not easy to grow, and it’s not easy to let yourself grow. As people, we find comfort in familiarity and habit, but that is no excuse. People need to allow themselves to go through good times and bad times...
“It’s better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone.” – Marilyn Monroe “You don’t marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without.” – Tigey We love the things we love for what they are. —...
4,000 photographers from 40 different countries submitted to the Best of the Best Destination Photography Contest.The destination contest accepted engagement, wedding, anniversary, honeymoon and vow-renewal photos, and was judged on how well each photograph captured the love of the...

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10 of the world’s best natural wonders

Most amazing natural wonders Caño Cristales, Serranía de la Macarena, Colombia It only takes one look at the Caño Cristales to see how it earned its...

10 Sentences that Can Change Your Life

The power of a sentence is tremendous. A single destructive sentence can ruin somebody’s life, make your day, or change your mood. Fortunately, there are...

This Will Happen To Your Body If You Eat Ginger Every Day For a...

Originating from China, ginger is a powerful and extremely beneficial spice that has been consumed for many years. They can be found in various...

Editor Picks

No Question: 12 Things You Never Have To Ask The Man Who Loves You.

some questions should never have to be asked. The one should be showered in compliments and love as he or she lies down to rest...

3 Things Keeping You From Being Successful And How To Change Them

We all define success differently. Maybe you feel satisfied when you excel in your career or have financial stability. Or maybe you base success...

Couple Decides Not To Have A Traditional Wedding And donated money to Somalia famine...

Couple Decides Not To Have A Traditional Wedding And donated money to Somalia famine Instead. Instead of holding a lavish wedding ceremony, this Somalian couple...


Wish To Be Successful And Rich? Then Quit This One Terrible Habit

Complaining. The amount of complaining you do is equivalent to the amount of power you don’t have. It’s the sound wave of defeat. Becoming a...

Inspirational Quotes About Love

“It’s better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone.” – Marilyn Monroe “You don’t marry someone you can live with – you marry the person...

New Edward Snowden Interview The Government Doesn’t Want You to See

New Edward Snowden Interview The Government Doesn’t Want You to See former NSA contractor Edward Snowden sat down for an interview with German television network...

7 Inspirational Quotes That Could Change Your Life

Every now and then you read a book, watch a movie or simply hear a story where you learn something that dramatically changes your...